A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1064

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ':ۑ9۟' at line 4

SELECT nl.id_newsletter, nl.judul, nl.slug, nl.id_gambar, nl.kutipan, nl.tanggal_publish FROM tb_newsletter nl WHERE nl.bahasa = 'CH' AND nl.id_newsletter = ۑ9۟y۟:ۑ9۟ې5ۑېB۟ۑ<۟ېuۑ:۟{۟{ۑ=۟wېzۑ<ې5۟ۑ8ې@۟@ۑ9ې8ېۑ9۟ې@ۑېB۟ۑ:ې4ې5ۑ9۟Aېۑ:۟۟Aۑ<۟5۟|ۑېB۟ۑ9۟Bې<ۑ;ې@ېEۑ<۟}۟@ۑ:۟۟Eۑ:۟۟Aۑ<۟5۟|ۑ<ېې5ۑ9۟<۟v

Filename: controllers/artikel/Detail.php

Line Number: 105